Twust - Static TailwindCSS Validation in Rust

Twust is a compile-time TailwindCSS static checker for Rust. It validates class names before runtime, preventing typos, incorrect class names, and misconfigurations.

Why Twust?

  • Compile-time validation: Catch invalid TailwindCSS classes before your Rust app runs.
  • Zero runtime overhead: Errors are flagged at compile time.
  • Supports Tailwind plugins like DaisyUI (via feature flags).
  • Works with Rust UI frameworks (Leptos, Dioxus, Yew, Sycamore).
fn main() {
use twust::tw;

let class = tw!("bg-blue-500 text-lg hover:bg-blue-600");
assert_eq!(class, "bg-blue-500 text-lg hover:bg-blue-600");