
In Surreal, your database is represented using Nodes, Edges, and Objects:

  • Nodes: These correspond to database tables, defined as Rust structs implementing the Node trait. Nodes can link to other Nodes and incorporate Objects for complex nested data structures.

  • Edges: Edges represent relationships between Nodes and are used for modeling many-to-many relationships or storing additional information about the relationship itself.

  • Objects: These are complex nested data structures embedded within Nodes. While they don't represent standalone tables, they facilitate complex data modeling within a Node.

Nodes are the heart of your database model in Surreal. They're Rust structs decorated with Node attributes for overall configuration and field-specific attributes for property definition. There are three types of links that you can use to define relationships between Nodes: LinkSelf, LinkOne, and LinkMany.

  • LinkSelf: This is a self-referential link within the same Node (table). For example, if an Alien can be friends with other aliens, you would use LinkSelf.

  • LinkOne: This creates a one-to-one relationship between two different Nodes. If every Alien has exactly one Weapon, you would use LinkOne.

  • LinkMany: This creates a one-to-many relationship between two Nodes. If an Alien can have multiple SpaceShips, you would use LinkMany.

For example:

fn main() {
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use surreal_orm::{LinkMany, LinkOne, LinkSelf, SurrealSimpleId, Node};

#[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[orm(table = "alien")]
pub struct Alien {
    pub id: SurrealSimpleId<Self>,

    #[orm(link_self = "Alien")]
    pub friend: LinkSelf<Alien>,

    #[orm(link_one = "Weapon")]
    pub weapon: LinkOne<Weapon>,

    #[orm(link_many = "SpaceShip")]
    pub space_ships: LinkMany<SpaceShip>,

#[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[orm(table = "weapon")]
pub struct Weapon {
    pub id: SurrealSimpleId<Self>,
    pub name: String,
    pub strength: u64,

#[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[orm(table = "space_ship")]
pub struct SpaceShip {
    pub id: SurrealId<Self, String>,
    pub name: String,
    pub created: DateTime<Utc>,

In this Alien Node, an alien can have an friend (another alien), a weapon (one-to-one relationship with Weapon Node), and multiple spaceships (one-to-many relationship with SpaceShip Node).

In summary, Nodes in Surreal provide a powerful way to model your database schema directly in Rust, with type safety, automatic serialization/deserialization, and the ability to define complex relationships between different tables.