1. Getting Started
  2. Introduction
  3. Quick Start
  4. Comparison
  5. Concept
  6. Date Model
    1. Data Types
    2. Future
    3. Casting
  7. Concepts
    1. Model
    2. Node
      1. Struct Attributes
      2. Field Attributes
    3. Edge
      1. Struct Attributes
      2. Field Attributes
    4. Object
      1. Struct Attributes
      2. Field Attributes
    5. Record Ids
    6. Fields and Model Schema
    7. Links and Relations
    8. Field Traversal
    9. Loaders
    10. Return Types
  8. Query Helper Methods
  9. Utils
  10. Introduction to Utility Functions
  11. Read Methods
    1. find_by_id
    2. find_where
  12. Create, Update Methods
    1. save
    2. create
  13. Delete Methods
    1. delete
    2. delete_by_id
    3. delete_where
  14. Count and Aggregation Methods
    1. count_where
    2. count_all
  15. API
  16. Statements
    1. Use
    2. Let
    3. Begin
    4. Cancel
    5. Commit
    6. If-Else
    7. Select
    8. Insert
    9. Create
    10. Update
    11. Relate
    12. Delete
    13. For/Permissions
    14. Define
      1. Define Namespace
      2. Define Database
      3. Define Login
      4. Define Token
      5. Define Scope
      6. Define Table
      7. Define Event
      8. Define Function
      9. Define Field
      10. Define Index
      11. Define Param
    15. Remove
    16. Info
    17. Sleep
  17. Operators
  18. Parameters
  19. Transactions
  20. Functions
    1. Overview
    2. Array functions
    3. Count function
    4. Crypto functions
    5. Geo functions
    6. HTTP functions
    7. Validation functions
    8. Math functions
    9. Meta functions
    10. Parse functions
    11. Rand functions
    12. Session functions
    13. Sleep function
    14. String functions
    15. Time functions
    16. Type functions
    17. Scripting functions
  21. Conclusion