- Getting Started
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Quick Start
- 3. Comparison
- Concept
- 4. Date Model
- 4.1. Data Types
- 4.2. Future
- 4.3. Casting
- 5. Concepts
- 5.1. Model
- 5.2. Node
- 5.2.1. Struct Attributes
- 5.2.2. Field Attributes
- 5.3. Edge
- 5.3.1. Struct Attributes
- 5.3.2. Field Attributes
- 5.4. Object
- 5.4.1. Struct Attributes
- 5.4.2. Field Attributes
- 5.5. Record Ids
- 5.6. Fields and Model Schema
- 5.7. Links and Relations
- 5.8. Field Traversal
- 5.9. Loaders
- 5.10. Return Types
- Query Helper Methods
- 6. Utils
- 7. Introduction to Utility Functions
- 8. Read Methods
- 8.1. find_by_id
- 8.2. find_where
- 9. Create, Update Methods
- 9.1. save
- 9.2. create
- 10. Delete Methods
- 10.1. delete
- 10.2. delete_by_id
- 10.3. delete_where
- 11. Count and Aggregation Methods
- 11.1. count_where
- 11.2. count_all
- 12. Statements
- 12.1. Use
- 12.2. Let
- 12.3. Begin
- 12.4. Cancel
- 12.5. Commit
- 12.6. If-Else
- 12.7. Select
- 12.8. Insert
- 12.9. Create
- 12.10. Update
- 12.11. Relate
- 12.12. Delete
- 12.13. For/Permissions
- 12.14. Define
- 12.14.1. Define Namespace
- 12.14.2. Define Database
- 12.14.3. Define Login
- 12.14.4. Define Token
- 12.14.5. Define Scope
- 12.14.6. Define Table
- 12.14.7. Define Event
- 12.14.8. Define Function
- 12.14.9. Define Field
- 12.14.10. Define Index
- 12.14.11. Define Param
- 12.15. Remove
- 12.16. Info
- 12.17. Sleep
- 13. Operators
- 14. Parameters
- 15. Transactions
- 16. Functions
- 16.1. Overview
- 16.2. Array functions
- 16.3. Count function
- 16.4. Crypto functions
- 16.5. Geo functions
- 16.6. HTTP functions
- 16.7. Validation functions
- 16.8. Math functions
- 16.9. Meta functions
- 16.10. Parse functions
- 16.11. Rand functions
- 16.12. Session functions
- 16.13. Sleep function
- 16.14. String functions
- 16.15. Time functions
- 16.16. Type functions
- 16.17. Scripting functions
- 17. Conclusion