Define Event Statement

The define_event statement is used to define an event in SurrealDB. It allows you to specify the conditions and actions associated with the event. This documentation provides an overview of the syntax and usage of the define_event statement.

Table of Contents


The basic syntax of the define_event statement is as follows:

fn main() {
  • event_name: The name of the event to define.
  • table: The name of the table where the event occurs.
  • condition: The condition that triggers the event.
  • action: The action to perform when the event is triggered.

The define_event statement supports the following methods:

  • .on_table(table): Specifies the table where the event occurs.
  • .when(condition): Specifies the condition that triggers the event.
  • .then(action): Specifies the action to perform when the event is triggered.

Using the cond! Macro

The cond! macro is a handy tool when defining conditions for the WHEN clause in the DEFINE EVENT statement. It provides a concise way to define conditions, enhancing readability while ensuring type safety.


fn main() {
let filter = cond!((strength > 5) && (strength < 15));

By using the cond! macro, you can effectively and expressively define conditions for the DEFINE EVENT statement.

For a more in-depth explanation and advanced usage of the cond! macro, refer to the dedicated chapter on helper macros.


Define Event with State Machine

To define an event with a state machine-like behavior, you can use the following code:

fn main() {
let age = Field::new("age");
let city = Field::new("city");
let fake_id = sql::Thing::from(("user".to_string(), "oyelowo".to_string()));
let user_table = Table::new("user");
let email_event = Event::new("email");

let query = define_event(email_event)
                cond("Prince Edward Island"))

This will generate the following SQL statement:

DEFINE EVENT email ON TABLE user WHEN age >= 18 THEN SELECT * FROM user:oyelowo WHERE (city IS 'Prince Edward Island') AND (city IS 'NewFoundland') OR (city ~ 'Toronto') LIMIT 153 START AT 10 PARALLEL;

In the example above, the define_event statement defines an event named "email" on the "user" table. It specifies that the event is triggered when the age is greater than or equal to 18. The action associated with the event is to perform a SELECT query on the "user:oyelowo" table with certain conditions and settings.

This concludes the documentation for the define_event statement. Use this statement to define events in SurrealDB and specify their conditions and actions.