Transaction Management in Surreal ORM

Surreal ORM provides transaction management capabilities to ensure the integrity and consistency of database operations. This allows you to group multiple database operations into a single atomic unit that can be committed or canceled as a whole. This documentation covers the Begin Transaction, Commit Statement, and Cancel Transaction features in Surreal ORM.

Table of Contents

Begin Transaction

The begin_transaction statement in Surreal ORM marks the beginning of a transaction. It sets the context for a series of database operations that should be treated as a single atomic unit. By starting a transaction, you can ensure the integrity and consistency of your database operations.

To begin a transaction, you can use the begin_transaction statement. Let's see an example:

fn main() {
let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap();

// Perform database operations within the transaction

// or
// Perform database operations within the transaction


In the code snippet above, the begin_transaction statement is used to start a transaction. This sets the context for the subsequent database operations.

Commit Statement

The commit statement in Surreal ORM is used to commit a transaction and save the changes made within the transaction. It ensures that the changes are durable and permanent in the database.

Using block! Macro with Commit Statement also Within Block for Chaining Multiple Statements

To perform a transaction and commit the changes, you can use the block! macro to chain multiple statements together. The commit_transaction statement is used within the block! macro to explicitly indicate the commitment of the transaction. Let's take a look at an example:

fn main() {
let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap();

let ref id1 = Account::create_id("one".into());
let ref id2 = Account::create_id("two".into());
let acc = Account::schema();

let amount_to_transfer = 300.00;

block! {

    LET acc1 = create().content(Account {
        id: id1.clone(),
        balance: 135_605.16,
    LET acc2 = create().content(Account {
        id: id2.clone(),
        balance: 91_031.31,

    LET updated1 = update::<Account>(id1).set(acc.balance.increment_by(amount_to_transfer));
    LET update2 = update::<Account>(id2).set(acc.balance.decrement_by(amount_to_transfer));



In the code snippet above, the block! macro is used to define a transaction with multiple statements. The LET statement is used to bind variables `

acc1,acc2,updated1, andupdate2to the respective statements. TheBEGIN TRANSACTIONstatement marks the start of the transaction, and theCOMMIT TRANSACTION` statement explicitly commits the transaction.

Using the block! macro with the commit_transaction statement within the block provides a clear and concise way to define a transaction and commit the changes.

Using begin_transaction function with block! Macro for Chaining Multiple Statements

Another recommended approach is to use the block! macro to chain multiple statements together within a transaction. The commit_transaction statement is called separately after the block! macro to explicitly commit the transaction. Let's see an example:

fn main() {
let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap();

let ref id1 = Account::create_id("one".into());
let ref id2 = Account::create_id("two".into());
let acc = Account::schema();

let amount_to_transfer = 300.00;

let transaction_query = begin_transaction()
    .query(block! {
        LET acc1 = create().content(Account {
            id: id1.clone(),
            balance: 135_605.16,
        LET acc2 = create().content(Account {
            id: id2.clone(),
            balance: 91_031.31,

        LET updated1 = update::<Account>(id1).set(acc.balance.increment_by(amount_to_transfer));
        LET update2 = update::<Account>(id2).set(acc.balance.decrement_by(amount_to_transfer));


In this approach, the block! macro is used to define a transaction block that includes multiple statements. The BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION statements mark the start and end of the transaction, respectively. The LET statement is used to bind variables to the statements within the block.

Using the block! macro for chaining multiple statements and explicitly committing the transaction provides a more structured and organized way to handle complex transactions.

The less recommended approach involves chaining multiple statements directly without using the block! macro. Although functional, this approach may feel less ergonomic, especially when there is a need to bind and share variables within the statements.

Chaining Multiple Statements Directly

Here's an example of chaining multiple statements directly without using the block! macro:

fn main() {
async fn test_transaction_commit_increment_and_decrement_update() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> {
    let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap();

    let ref id1 = Account::create_id("one".into());
    let ref id2 = Account::create_id("two".into());
    let amount_to_transfer = 300.00;

    let acc = Account::schema();

        .query(create().content(Account {
            id: id1.clone(),
            balance: 135_605.16,
        .query(create().content(Account {
            id: id2.clone(),
            balance: 91_031.31,

    // Assertions and other code...


In this approach, multiple statements are chained directly within the transaction. The create and update statements

are used to perform operations on the Account table.

The less recommended approach of chaining multiple statements directly can be less ergonomic, especially when dealing with complex transactions that require variable bindings and subqueries.

It is generally recommended to use the recommended approaches with the block! macro for better readability, automation of variable bindings, and subquery handling.

Cancel Transaction

The cancel transaction feature in Surreal ORM allows you to roll back a transaction and discard the changes made within the transaction. It is useful when you want to undo a series of database operations within a transaction.

To cancel a transaction, you can use the cancel_transaction statement. Let's see an example:

fn main() {
let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap();

let transaction_query = begin_transaction()
    .query(create().content(Account {
        id: Account::create_id("one".into()),
        balance: 135_605.16,


In the code snippet above, the cancel_transaction statement is used to cancel the ongoing transaction. This ensures that any changes made within the transaction are discarded, and the database state remains unchanged.

Handling Transactions with Database Operations

When performing database operations within a transaction, it is important to ensure that the operations are executed as a single atomic unit. Surreal ORM provides transaction management features to facilitate this.

To handle transactions with database operations, you can follow these steps:

  1. Begin the transaction using the begin_transaction statement.
  2. Chain the necessary database operations using the appropriate ORM statements.
  3. Use the recommended approaches described earlier to define and commit the transaction.
  4. If needed, use the cancel_transaction statement to cancel the transaction and discard any changes.

By following these steps, you can ensure the integrity and consistency of your database operations and handle transactions effectively.

That concludes the documentation for the Begin Transaction, Commit Statement, and Cancel Transaction features in Surreal ORM. Use the recommended approaches to perform transactions, commit changes, handle cancellations, and manage your database operations effectively.