Record Ids

The SurrealId is a wrapper struct that extends the capabilities of surrealdb::sql::Thing and provides a more ergonomic interface. It's a static type representing the id of a model in the Surreal ORM and is a combination of the model's table name and the id, where the id can be anything that can be converted into a surrealdb::sql::Id.

Let's explore how to utilize these ID types both implicitly (through auto-generation via the Default trait) and explicitly (by creating them manually).

  1. SurrealSimpleId:

This ID type auto-generates a unique identifier when a new instance of the struct is created, thanks to the implementation of the Default trait. But you can also manually generate it using the create_simple_id() function directly on the struct.

Example struct:

fn main() {
#[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[orm(table = "alien")]
pub struct Alien {
    pub id: SurrealSimpleId<Self>,
    // other fields

Creating an instance of Alien with an auto-generated ID (implicit):

fn main() {
let alien = Alien {
    // other fields

Creating an instance of Alien with a manually generated ID (explicit):

fn main() {
let alien = Alien {
    id: Alien::create_simple_id(),
    // other fields
  1. SurrealUuid:

SurrealUuid<Self> auto-generates a UUID when a new instance of the struct is created. You can also manually generate it using the create_uuid() function on the struct.

Example struct:

fn main() {
#[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[orm(table = "account")]
pub struct Account {
    pub id: SurrealUuid<Self>,
    // other fields

Creating an instance of Account with an auto-generated UUID (implicit):

fn main() {
let account = Account {
    // other fields

Creating an instance of Account with a manually generated UUID (explicit):

fn main() {
let account = Account {
    id: Account::create_uuid(),
    // other fields
  1. SurrealUlid:

SurrealUlid<Self> auto-generates a ULID when a new instance of the struct is created. You can also manually generate it using the create_ulid() function on the struct.

Example struct:

fn main() {
#[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[orm(table = "spaceship")]
pub struct SpaceShip {
    pub id: SurrealUlid<Self>,
    // other fields

Creating an instance of SpaceShip with an auto-generated ULID (implicit):

fn main() {
let spaceship = SpaceShip {
    // other fields

Creating an instance of SpaceShip with a manually generated ULID (explicit):

fn main() {
let spaceship = SpaceShip {
    id: SpaceShip::create_ulid(),
    // other fields
  1. SurrealId<Self, T>:

This is the most flexible ID type, allowing for any arbitrary serializable type T as the ID. However, it doesn't implement the Default trait, which means you must manually create instances of this type using the create_id() function.

Example struct:

fn main() {
#[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[orm(table = "weapon")]
pub struct Weapon {
    pub id: SurrealId<Self, String>,
    // other fields

Creating an

instance of Weapon with a manually created ID (explicit):

fn main() {
let weapon = Weapon {
    id: Weapon::create_id("sword".into()),
    // other fields

These ID types provide various options for users to meet the needs of different scenarios when working with entities in SurrealDB. Whether you want auto-generated identifiers or prefer to create them manually, there's an ID type to suit your requirements.

The SurrealID types in SurrealDB are designed to be flexible and accommodating to various needs for entity identification and linking within the database.