Helper Methods in surreal_orm
The surreal_orm
library offers a set of utility functions encapsulated in the
and SurrealCrudNode
traits. These methods provide a high-level
abstraction over raw database statements, simplifying CRUD operations.
Before we dive into the helper methods, let's set up our environment:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use surreal_models::{space_ship, weapon, SpaceShip, Weapon}; use surreal_orm::{ statements::{insert, select, select_value}, *, }; use surrealdb::{ engine::local::{Db, Mem}, Surreal, }; async fn create_test_data(db: Surreal<Db>) { let space_ships = (0..1000) .map(|i| Weapon { name: format!("weapon-{}", i), strength: i, ..Default::default() }) .collect::<Vec<Weapon>>(); insert(space_ships).run(db.clone()).await.unwrap(); } }
1. save
The save
method can either create a new record or update an existing one in
the database. You can think of it as an upsert method.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_save() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); let ss_id = SpaceShip::create_id("num-1".into()); let spaceship = SpaceShip { id: ss_id.clone(), name: "spaceship-1".into(), created: chrono::Utc::now(), }; let spaceship =; let saved_spaceship = SpaceShip::find_by_id(ss_id.clone()) .get_one(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(,; Ok(()) } }
2. find_by_id
Retrieve a record by its ID:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_find_by_id() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); let spaceship = SpaceShip { id: SpaceShip::create_id("num-1".into()), name: "spaceship-1".into(), created: chrono::Utc::now(), }; spaceship.clone().save().run(db.clone()).await?; let found_spaceship = SpaceShip::find_by_id( .get_one(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(,; Ok(()) } }
3. find_where
Retrieve records based on specific conditions:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_find_where() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); let spaceship = SpaceShip { id: SpaceShip::create_id("num-1".into()), name: "spaceship-1".into(), created: chrono::Utc::now(), }; let _spaceship2 = SpaceShip { id: SpaceShip::create_id("num-2".into()), name: "spaceship-2".into(), created: chrono::Utc::now(), } .save() .run(db.clone()) .await?; let _spaceschip = spaceship.clone().save().get_one(db.clone()).await?; let space_ship::Schema { name, id, .. } = SpaceShip::schema(); let found_spaceships = SpaceShip::find_where(id.is_not(NULL)) .return_many(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(found_spaceships.len(), 2); let found_spaceships = SpaceShip::find_where(name.equal("spaceship-1")) .return_many(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(found_spaceships.len(), 1); assert_eq!(found_spaceships[0].id.to_thing(),; let found_spaceship = SpaceShip::find_where(name.equal("spaceship-1")) .get_one(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(,; Ok(()) } }
4. count_where
Count records based on specific conditions:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_count_where() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); create_test_data(db.clone()).await; let weapon::Schema { strength, .. } = &Weapon::schema(); let weapons_query = Weapon::count_where(strength.gte(500)); let weapons_count = weapons_query.get(db.clone()).await?; assert_eq!( weapons_query.to_raw().build(), "SELECT VALUE count FROM (SELECT count(strength >= 500) FROM weapon GROUP ALL);" ); assert_eq!(weapons_count, 500); Ok(()) } }
5. count_all
Count all records:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_count_all() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); create_test_data(db.clone()).await; let weapons_query = Weapon::count_all(); let weapons_count = weapons_query.get(db.clone()).await?; assert_eq!( weapons_query.to_raw().build(), "SELECT VALUE count FROM (SELECT count() FROM weapon GROUP ALL);" ); assert_eq!(weapons_count, 1000); Ok(()) } }
6. delete
This method deletes the current record instance from the database.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_delete() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); let spaceship = SpaceShip { id: SpaceShip::create_id("num-1".into()), name: "spaceship-1".into(), created: chrono::Utc::now(), }; let spaceship =; let found_spaceship = SpaceShip::find_by_id( .return_many(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(found_spaceship.len(), 1); spaceship.clone().delete().run(db.clone()).await?; let found_spaceship = SpaceShip::find_by_id( .return_many(db.clone()) .await?; assert!(found_spaceship.is_empty()); assert_eq!(found_spaceship.len(), 0); Ok(()) } }
7. delete_by_id
This method deletes a record by its ID.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_delete_by_id() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); let spaceship = SpaceShip { id: SpaceShip::create_id("num-1".into()), name: "spaceship-1".into(), created: chrono::Utc::now(), }; let spaceship =; let found_spaceships = SpaceShip::find_by_id( .return_many(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(found_spaceships.len(), 1); SpaceShip::delete_by_id( .run(db.clone()) .await?; let found_spaceships = SpaceShip::find_by_id( .return_many(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(found_spaceships.len(), 0); Ok(()) } }
8. delete_where
This method deletes records based on a specific condition.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_delete_where() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); let spaceship = SpaceShip { id: SpaceShip::create_id("num-1".into()), name: "spaceship-1".into(), created: chrono::Utc::now(), };; let space_ship::Schema { name, .. } = SpaceShip::schema(); let found_spaceships = SpaceShip::find_where("spaceship-1")) .return_many(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(found_spaceships.len(), 1); SpaceShip::delete_where("spaceship")) .run(db.clone()) .await?; let found_spaceships = SpaceShip::find_where("spaceship-1")) .return_many(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(found_spaceships.len(), 0); Ok(()) } }
9. create
This method creates a new record in the database. It's specifically for nodes.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[tokio::test] async fn test_create() -> SurrealOrmResult<()> { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); let ss_id = SpaceShip::create_id(format!("num-{}", 1)); let spaceship = SpaceShip { id: ss_id.clone(), name: format!("spaceship-{}", 1), created: chrono::Utc::now(), }; let spaceship = spaceship.create().get_one(db.clone()).await?; // Second attempt should fail since it will be duplicate. spaceship .clone() .create() .get_one(db.clone()) .await .expect_err("should fail"); let saved_spaceship = SpaceShip::find_by_id(ss_id.clone()) .get_one(db.clone()) .await?; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(,; Ok(()) } }
This wraps up the explanations and demonstrations for all the helper methods in surreal_orm.