Surreal ORM - Insertion Operations
Surreal ORM provides various options to perform data insertion operations in your database. This guide focuses on three main operations:
Table of Contents
Inserting Single Record
The ORM allows for inserting a single record into a database table. Below is an example of this:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // Required imports use surrealdb::Surreal; use surrealdb::engine::local::Mem; use surreal_models::Weapon; use surreal_orm::statements::insert; use chrono::Utc; // Initialize SurrealDB with the in-memory engine let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); // Define a single weapon let weapon = Weapon { name: String::from("Excalibur"), created: Utc::now(), strength: 1000, ..Default::default() }; // Insert the weapon into the database let created_weapon = insert(weapon).return_one(db.clone()).await.unwrap(); // Verify the inserted record assert_eq!(, "Excalibur"); assert_eq!(created_weapon.strength, 1000); }
This code creates a single Weapon
record with the name "Excalibur" and a
strength of 1000.
Inserting Multiple Records
In addition to inserting single records, Surreal ORM also supports inserting multiple records at once. Here is an example:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // Required imports use surrealdb::Surreal; use surrealdb::engine::local::Mem; use surreal_models::Weapon; use surreal_orm::statements::insert; use chrono::Utc; // Initialize SurrealDB with the in-memory engine let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); // Define a list of weapons let weapons = (0..1000) .into_iter() .map(|i| Weapon { name: format!("Weapon{}", i), created: Utc::now(), strength: i, ..Default::default() }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); // Insert the weapons into the database let created_weapons = insert(weapons).return_many(db.clone()).await.unwrap(); // Verify the inserted records assert_eq!(created_weapons.len(), 1000); assert_eq!(created_weapons[0].name, "Weapon0"); assert_eq!(created_weapons[0].strength, 0); }
This code creates 1000 Weapon
records with sequential names and strength
Inserting from Another Table
Surreal ORM allows you to copy data from one table to another using the insert
statement. This is similar to creating a view in PostgreSQL, but instead of just
a projection, it's copying the data to a new table.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // Required imports use surrealdb::Surreal; use surrealdb::engine::local::Mem; use surreal_models::{Weapon, StrongWeapon}; use surreal_orm::statements::{insert, select, All, cond, order}; use chrono::Utc; // Initialize SurrealDB with the in-memory engine let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); db.use_ns("test").use_db("test").await.unwrap(); // Define a list of weapons let weapons = ( 0..1000) .into_iter() .map(|i| Weapon { name: format!("Weapon{}", i), created: Utc::now(), strength: i, ..Default::default() }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); // Insert the weapons into the database let created_weapons = insert(weapons).return_many(db.clone()).await.unwrap(); // Define a SELECT statement for weapons with strength values between 800 and 950 let weapon::Schema { strength, .. } = Weapon::schema(); let select_statement = select(All) .from(Weapon::table()) .where_(cond(strength.greater_than_or_equal(800)).and(strength.less_than(950))); // Insert the selected weapons into the StrongWeapon table let strong_weapons = insert::<StrongWeapon>(select_statement) .return_many(db.clone()) .await .unwrap(); // Verify the copied records assert_eq!(strong_weapons.len(), 150); assert_eq!(strong_weapons[0].strength, 800); }
This script inserts 1000 Weapon
records, selects those with strength values
between 800 and 950, and copies them into the StrongWeapon