IfElse Statement

The ifelse statement is used to create conditional branching in SurrealDB. It allows you to execute different expressions or statements based on specified conditions. Here are some examples and usage scenarios for the ifelse statement.

Table of Contents

Statement Syntax

The syntax for the ifelse statement is as follows:


Creating an If Statement

You can create a simple if statement using the if_ function. Here's an example:

fn main() {
use surreal_orm::*;

let age = Field::new("age");

let if_statement = if_(age.greater_than_or_equal(18))

Adding Else If Statements

You can add multiple else if statements to the ifelse statement. Here's an example:

fn main() {
let name = Field::new("name");
let age = Field::new("age");

let if_statement = if_(age.greater_than_or_equal(18))
    .else_if(name.like("Oyelowo Oyedayo"))
    .then("The Alien!")

Adding an Else Statement

You can add an else statement to the ifelse statement to handle cases when none of the previous conditions are met. Here's an example:

fn main() {
let age = Field::new("age");

let if_statement = if_(age.greater_than_or_equal(18))

Nested If Else Statements

You can nest ifelse statements within each other to create complex conditional logic. Here's an example:

fn main() {
let name = Field::new("name");
let age = Field::new("age");
let country = Field::new("country");

let if_statement = if_(age.greater_than_or_equal(18))
    .else_if(name.like("Oyelowo Oyedayo"))
    .then("The Alien!")

Using Subqueries in If Else Statements

You can use subqueries in the ifelse statement to execute more complex expressions or statements. Here's an example:

fn main() {
let name = Field::new("name");
let age = Field::new("age");
let country = Field::new("country");
let city = Field::new("city");
let fake_id = sql::Thing::from(("user".to_string(), "oyelowo".to_string()));
let fake_id2 = sql::Thing::from(("user".to_string(), "oyedayo".to_string()));

let statement1 = select(All)
        cond(city.is("Prince Edward Island"))

let statement2 = select(All)

let if_statement = if_(age.greater_than_or_equal(18).less_than_or_equal(120))
    .else_if(name.like("Oyelowo Oyedayo"))