Quick Start

Surreal ORM Documentation


Surreal ORM is an Object-Relational Mapping and query-building library for Rust that provides a high-level API for interacting with SurrealDB, a distributed graph database. This documentation will guide you through the usage and features of the Surreal ORM library.

Getting Started

To use Surreal ORM in your Rust project, you need to add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file:

[dependencies] surreal_orm = "https://github.com/Oyelowo/surreal_orm"

After adding the dependency, you can import the necessary modules in your Rust code:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use surreal_orm::*; }

Connecting to SurrealDB

Before interacting with SurrealDB, you need to establish a connection to the database. The following example demonstrates how to create a connection to a local SurrealDB instance:

use surrealdb::engine::local::Mem; use surrealdb::Surreal; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let db = Surreal::new::<Mem>(()).await.unwrap(); }

In this example, we create a new SurrealDB instance using the Surreal::new function with the local::Mem engine. The local::Mem engine represents a local in-memory database. You can replace it with other engine types according to your setup.

Defining a Model

A model in Surreal ORM represents a database table. You can define a model by creating a Rust struct and implementing the Node or Edge trait. Here's an example of defining a SpaceShip model:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use surreal_orm::*; #[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] #[orm(table = space_ship)] pub struct SpaceShip { pub id: SurrealSimpleId<Self>, pub name: String, pub age: u8, } }

In this example, we define a SpaceShip struct and annotate it with the Model derive macro. The table attribute specifies the name of the corresponding database table.

Querying Data

Surreal ORM provides a fluent and expressive API for querying data from the database. You can use the select function to start a select statement and chain various methods to build the query. Here's an example:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use surreal_orm::statements::{select, All}; let space_ship::Schema { name, age, .. } = SpaceShip::schema(); let statement = select(All) .from(space_ship) .where_(name.equal("Millennium Falcon")) .order_by(age.desc()) .limit(10); }

In this example, we start a select statement using the select function and pass the All argument to select all fields. We specify the table name using the from method and add a condition using the where_ method. We can also use the order_by method to specify the sorting order and the limit method to limit the number of results.

Inserting Data

To insert data into the database, you can use the insert function and provide the data as a vector of structs. Here's an example:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use surreal_orm::statements::insert; let spaceships = vec![ SpaceShip { id: "1".to_string(), name: "Millennium Falcon".to_string(), age: 79, }, SpaceShip { id: "2".to_string(), name: "Starship Enterprise".to_string(), age: 15, }, ]; insert(spaceships).return_many(db.clone()).await?; }

In this example, we define a vector of SpaceShip structs and pass it to the insert function. We then call the run method to execute the insertion operation.

Updating Data

To update data in the database, you can use the update function and provide the updated data as a struct. Here's an example:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use surreal_orm::statements::update; let spaceship = SpaceShip { id: "1".to_string(), name: "Millennium Falcon".to_string(), age: 60 }; update(spaceship).run(db.clone()).await?; }

In this example, we define a SpaceShip struct with the updated data and pass it to the update function. We then call the run method to execute the update operation.

Deleting Data

To delete data from the database, you can use the delete function and provide the condition for deletion. Here's an example:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use surreal_orm::statements::{delete, Field}; let space_ship::Schema { name, age, .. } = SpaceShip::schema(); let condition = name.eq("Millennium Falcon"); delete(space_ship) .where_(cond(name.equal("Millennium Falcon")).and(age.less_then(50))) .run(db.clone()) .await?; }

In this example, we use the delete function and specify the table name as a string. We add a condition using the where_ method, and then call the run method to execute the deletion operation.


This concludes the basic usage and features of the Surreal ORM library. You can explore more advanced features and methods in the API documentation. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out.