For Statement (Permissions)

The for statement is used to define permissions for a specific action or CRUD operation in SurrealDB. It allows you to specify the desired permissions and conditions for the action. This statement is commonly used when defining tables or fields in SurrealDB, but it may also be used for access control for other objects in the future. This documentation provides an overview of the syntax and usage of the for statement.

Table of Contents


The basic syntax of the for statement is as follows:

fn main() {
  • permission_type: The type of permission or action for which you want to define permissions. It can be a single permission type or an array of permission types.
  • condition: The condition or criteria for the permission. It specifies the conditions under which the permission should be granted.

The for statement supports the following methods:

  • .where_(condition): Specifies the condition or criteria for the permission.

Permission Types

SurrealDB uses permission types to define different actions or CRUD operations that can be performed on tables or fields. Here are the available permission types:

  • Create: Grants permission to create new records or objects.
  • Read (or Select): Grants permission to read or retrieve data from records or objects.
  • Update: Grants permission to modify or update existing records or objects.
  • Delete: Grants permission to delete records or objects.

These permission types allow you to define fine-grained access control for different actions in your database.

Using the cond! Macro

The cond! macro provides an alternative way to the cond function way to define conditions for the for statement when specifying the condition for the permissions. With the cond! macro, you can easily specify conditions that determine when permissions are granted.

For instance:

fn main() {
let condition = cond!((field_name OR  "value") OR (age > 18));

The above code checks if the field named "field_name" equals the string "value". For more details on the cond! macro, refer to the dedicated chapter on helper macros.


Define Permission for Single Action

To define permissions for a single action, you can use the following code:

fn main() {
use CrudType::*;
let name = Field::new("name");

let for_res = for_permission(Create).where_("Oyelowo"));
println!("{}", for_res.to_raw().build());

The above code will generate the following raw statement:

FOR create
    WHERE name ~ 'Oyelowo'

In the example above, the for statement defines permissions for the Create action. It specifies the condition that the field "name" should be matched with the pattern "Oyelowo". This means that the permission to create records will be granted only when the field "name" matches the pattern.

Define Permissions for Multiple Actions (Individual)

To define permissions for multiple actions individually, you can use the following code:

fn main() {
use CrudType::*;
let name = Field::new("name");

let for_res = for_permission(Select).where_(age.greater_than_or_equal(18))
println!("{}", for_res.to_raw().build());

The above code will generate the following raw statement:

FOR select
    WHERE age >= 18
    FOR create
        WHERE name IS 'Oyedayo'
    FOR update

 WHERE age <= 130

In the example above, the for statement defines permissions for the Select action, as well as individual permissions for the Create and Update actions. It specifies different conditions for each action. This means that the permissions for these actions will be granted only when the specified conditions are met.

Define Permissions for Multiple Actions (Array)

To define permissions for multiple actions using an array, you can use the following code:

fn main() {
use CrudType::*;
let name = Field::new("name");

let for_res = for_permission(&[Create, Delete, Select, Update]).where_("Oyedayo"));
println!("{}", for_res.to_raw().build());

The above code will generate the following raw statement:

FOR create, delete, select, update
    WHERE name IS 'Oyedayo'

In the example above, the for statement defines permissions for multiple actions (Create, Delete, Select, and Update) using an array. It specifies a common condition for all the actions. This means that the permissions for these actions will be granted only when the field "name" is equal to "Oyedayo".

Define Permissions for Multiple Actions (Mixed)

To define permissions for multiple actions using a mix of individual permissions and an array, you can use the following code:

fn main() {
use CrudType::*;
let name = Field::new("name");

let for_res = for_permission(&[Create, Delete]).where_("Oyedayo"))
println!("{}", for_res.to_raw().build());

The above code will generate the following raw statement:

FOR create, delete
    WHERE name IS 'Oyedayo'
    FOR update
        WHERE age <= 130

In the example above, the for statement defines individual permissions for the Create and Delete actions, and an array of permissions for the Update action. It specifies different conditions for each action. This means that the permissions for these actions will be granted only when the specified conditions are met.

You have now learned how to define permissions using the for statement in SurrealDB. Use this statement to specify the desired access control for different actions or CRUD operations in your database. While it is commonly used when defining tables or fields, it may also be utilized for access control for other objects in the future.