Define Field Statement

The define_field statement is used to define a field in SurrealDB. It allows you to specify various options and permissions for the field. This documentation provides an overview of the syntax and usage of the define_field statement.

Table of Contents


The basic syntax of the define_field statement is as follows:

fn main() {
  • field_name: The name of the field to define.
  • table: The name of the table where the field belongs.
  • field_type: The type of the field.
  • default_value (optional): The default value for the field.
  • assertion (optional): An assertion condition for the field.
  • permission_statements (optional): The permissions for the field.

The define_field statement supports the following methods:

  • .on_table(table): Specifies the table where the field belongs.
  • .type_(field_type): Specifies the type of the field.
  • .value(default_value): Specifies the default value for the field.
  • .assert(assertion): Specifies an assertion condition for the field.
  • .permissions(permission_statements): Specifies the permissions for the field.


Define Field with Full Configuration

To define a field with full configuration, including a default value, assertion condition, and permissions, you can use the following code:

fn main() {
let email = Field::new("email");
let user_table = Table::from("user");
let age = Field::new("age");
let statement = define_field(email)
    .permissions(for_permission(Permission::Select).where_(age.greater_than_or_equal(18))) // Single permission
    .permissions(for_permission(&[Permission::Create, Permission::Update]).where_("Oyedayo"))) // Multiple permissions
        for_permission(&[Permission::Create, Permission::Delete]).where_("Oyedayo")),

This will generate the following SQL statement:

DEFINE FIELD email ON TABLE user TYPE string VALUE '' \
    ASSERT ($value IS NOT NONE) AND ($value ~ 'is_email')
    FOR select
        WHERE age >= 18
    FOR create, update
        WHERE name IS 'Oyedayo'
    FOR create, delete
        WHERE name IS 'Oyedayo'
    FOR update
        WHERE age <= 130;

In the example above, the define_field statement defines a field named "email" on the "user" table. It specifies the field type as String, sets a default value of '', and adds an

assertion condition. It also sets different permissions for the field based on conditions.

Define Field with Simple Configuration

To define a field with a simple configuration, you can use the following code:

fn main() {
use FieldType::*;

let email = Field::new("email");
let user_table = Table::from("user");
let statement = define_field(email).on_table(user_table).type_(String);

This will generate the following SQL statement:

DEFINE FIELD email ON TABLE user TYPE string;

In the example above, the define_field statement defines a field named "email" on the "user" table. It specifies the field type as String without setting a default value, assertion condition, or permissions.

Field Types

The define_field statement supports various field types in SurrealDB. The available field types are:

  • any: Allows any data type supported by SurrealDB.
  • array: Represents a list.
  • bool: Represents true or false values.
  • datetime: Represents an ISO 8601 compliant date with time and time zone.
  • decimal: Represents any real number with arbitrary precision.
  • duration: Represents a length of time that can be added or subtracted from datetimes or other durations.
  • float: Represents a value stored in a 64-bit float.
  • int: Represents a value stored in a 64-bit integer.
  • number: Represents numbers without specifying the type, allowing SurrealDB to detect and store the number based on its minimal representation.
  • object: Represents formatted objects containing values of any supported type.
  • string: Represents a string value.
  • record: Represents a reference to another record in any table.
  • geometry: Represents a geometry type conforming to the GeoJSON format.

Geometry Types

The geometry field type allows you to define geometric fields in SurrealDB. The available geometry types are:

  • feature: Represents any geometric type.
  • point: Represents a point.
  • line: Represents a line.
  • polygon: Represents a polygon.
  • multipoint: Represents a multipoint.
  • multiline: Represents a multiline.
  • multipolygon: Represents a multipolygon.
  • collection: Represents a collection of geometry types.

Permission Types

The define_field statement allows you to define permissions for the field using permission types. The available permission types are:

  • Create: Allows creating new records with the field.
  • Read: Allows reading the field value from existing records.
  • Update: Allows updating the field value in existing records.
  • Delete: Allows deleting records that have the field.

These permission types can be used in the permissions method to define the desired access control for the field.

You have now learned how to define fields using the define_field statement, including different configuration options, field types, geometry types, and permission types. Use this statement to define fields in SurrealDB and specify their configurations and permissions.